En English(US)

Fr French

Example of a family of key - the fish -

Chaine graphique du poisson
まぐろ Tuna - The fish hard to catch, to have (有 = to have)
くじら Whale – The "capital" fish (京 from 東京 = Tokyo, the eastern 東 capital 京)
いわし Sardine - The "weak" fish, easy to catch (弱い = weak)
ひらめ Turbot - The "flat" fish (平ら = flat)
舌鮃 したびらめ Sole - The "flat" fish, flat as a tongue? (舌 = the tongue or = under)
かれい Dab – The fish which "fall" - towards the sand - like a leaf (葉 to be buried, hidden in the sand)
たこ Octopus – The fish whose tentacles drop along the body (肖 : 月 the body, ⺌ divided)
するめ Dried Cuttlefish - ....dried in the sun (易 = the sun and its reflections)
さば Mackerel – The "blue-green backed" fish (青い = blue-green)
あんこう Monkfish – The "quiet, peaceful" fish (peaceful 安, like a woman 女 under a roof 宀)
さけ Salmon - The fish climbing up the rivers inland (圭 = the earth 土 on the earth 土)
こい Carp – The fish raised in fields of villages (里 =the village : the earth 土 and the ricefield 田)
あゆ Troute – The fish of soothsaying (占う = to tell fortune)
しゃち Killer whale – Teh "tiger" fish (虎 = tiger)
飛魚 とびうお Exocet - The "flying" fish (飛ぶ = to fly)
たら Cod – The fish of snowy countries (雪 = the snow)
あわび Abalone – The Shell surrounded like a fetus (包 = a fetus wrapped in a womb)
水母 くらげ - Jelly fish – The "mother of water" or "waters" ? (母 = the mother)
  Jean-Claude MARTIN - Marine fish Book Fair - Concarneau - Konk-Kerne